July 2023

Webinar on Demand

UCIe PHY Modeling and Simulation with XMODEL

Missed this webinar? Watch the video recording and download the UCIe PHY model in SystemVerilog.

Model of the Month

Modeling Charge Pump Circuits in NAND Flash Memories

This application note showcases three different ways of modeling a charge-pump voltage generator circuit.

Tip of the Month

Auto-extracting models with all the top-level ports as real types

With the new '--real' option of MODELZEN, it is handy to create SystemVerilog models of which top-level I/O ports are all real types.

Primitive of the Month


With this primitive, you can model a nonlinear DC transfer function of a circuit which varies with a set of digital input values.

Latest Issues

August 2024

Modeling PCIe Receiver Detection Circuit, Exporting XWAVE Analysis Results, and More

July 2024

Webinar on Silicon Photonics Modeling & Simulation, Modeling Nonlinear PAM4 Transmitters, and More

June 2024

XMODEL at DAC 2024, Modeling an Adaptive DFE Receiver, and More

May 2024

Modeling a Phase Interpolator with INL/DNL, Using PSL Assertions for Analog Checks, and More

April 2024

Modeling an Oscillator with Resettable Phase, Multiple Outputs, and Arbitrary Waveforms