October 2023

Upcoming Event

Meet Scientific Analog at DVCon Europe 2023

Meet XMODEL at Munich! This year, Sungkyunkwan University is presenting a SPAD-based time-of-flight sensor system modeled with XMODEL.

Model of the Month

Modeling a clocked comparator with a DONE output

Learn how to model self-timed clocked comparators used in asynchronous SAR ADCs.

Tip of the Month

Determining the version of the FSDB API libraries

Not sure what version of FSDB file will your simulation produce? We added a utility script to help you.

Primitive of the Month


This primitive can model a discrete-time filter, with either infinite or finite impulse response.

Latest Issues

August 2024

Modeling PCIe Receiver Detection Circuit, Exporting XWAVE Analysis Results, and More

July 2024

Webinar on Silicon Photonics Modeling & Simulation, Modeling Nonlinear PAM4 Transmitters, and More

June 2024

XMODEL at DAC 2024, Modeling an Adaptive DFE Receiver, and More

May 2024

Modeling a Phase Interpolator with INL/DNL, Using PSL Assertions for Analog Checks, and More

April 2024

Modeling an Oscillator with Resettable Phase, Multiple Outputs, and Arbitrary Waveforms