March 2023

Tutorial on Demand

Harnessing the power of UVM for AMS verification with XMODEL

Missed this tutorial at DVCon US? You can watch its video recording and learn how to write UVM testbenches for analog/mixed-signal circuits.

Model of the Month

Modeling a variable capacitor

Check out how to model a capacitor with continuously-varying capacitance, of which current is equal to I = C·dV/dt + V·dC/dt.

Tip of the Month

Plotting the Fourier transform of an xreal-type signal

Did you know you can plot the Fourier transform of a signal using XWAVE?

Primitive of the Month


This primitive models a capacitance whose capacitance switches between discrete values.

Latest Issues

August 2024

Modeling PCIe Receiver Detection Circuit, Exporting XWAVE Analysis Results, and More

July 2024

Webinar on Silicon Photonics Modeling & Simulation, Modeling Nonlinear PAM4 Transmitters, and More

June 2024

XMODEL at DAC 2024, Modeling an Adaptive DFE Receiver, and More

May 2024

Modeling a Phase Interpolator with INL/DNL, Using PSL Assertions for Analog Checks, and More

April 2024

Modeling an Oscillator with Resettable Phase, Multiple Outputs, and Arbitrary Waveforms