May 2024

Tip of the Month

Using PSL assertions for analog circuit checks

Here is an example of a PSL assertion checking the supply current level during a power-down mode.

Model of the Month

Modeling a digital phase interpolator with arbitrary INL/DNL characteristics

Adding nonlinear characteristics to the existing phase interpolator model is super easy. Just add a 'pwl_func' primitive.

Primitive of the Month


This primitive is useful when checking whether an xreal-type signal is below a certain threshold over a time interval.

XMODEL Release Updates

XMODEL 2024.05

This release introduces an advanced circuit partitioning algorithm with 'vsource' elements, enabling efficient supply current simulations of large circuits.

Latest Issues

August 2024

Modeling PCIe Receiver Detection Circuit, Exporting XWAVE Analysis Results, and More

July 2024

Webinar on Silicon Photonics Modeling & Simulation, Modeling Nonlinear PAM4 Transmitters, and More

June 2024

XMODEL at DAC 2024, Modeling an Adaptive DFE Receiver, and More

May 2024

Modeling a Phase Interpolator with INL/DNL, Using PSL Assertions for Analog Checks, and More

April 2024

Modeling an Oscillator with Resettable Phase, Multiple Outputs, and Arbitrary Waveforms