DLN_LinearVCDL8SO : A voltage-controlled delay line (VCDL) with a linear V-to-D characteristic, 8 single-ended outputs

A voltage-controlled delay line (VCDL) controls the delay between the input clock and output clock with a control voltage vctrl. It is typically implemented as a chain of variable delay elements.

This particular VCDL model is a chain of eight identical variable delay elements, which collectively produce 8 clocks clk_out with equal delay spacings. When the total delay through the delay line is equal to a clock period, the output clocks clk_out becomes the eight multi-phase clocks that span 360 degrees with uniform phase spacings.

This VCDL model assumes that its delay varies linearly with the control voltage vctrl, that is, delay=delay0+Kvcdl*(vctrl-vctrl0), where the parameter delay0 is the nominal delay of the VCDL when vctrl is at its nominal value defined by the parameter vctrl0 and the parameter Kvcdl is the VCDL gain, i.e., the rate of change in the VCDL delay with respect to the change in vctrl. The delay of the delay line may have the maximum and minimum limits, which are set by the parameters delay_max and delay_min, respectively.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
clk_out[7:0] output xbit multi-phase output clocks
clk_in input xbit input clock
vctrl input xreal control voltage


Name Type Default Description
vctrl0 real 0.5 nominal vctrl value (V)
delay0 real 6.4n delay at nominal vctrl value (s)
Kvcdl real -24n VCDL gain (s/V)
delay_max real 11.2n maximum limit on delay (s)
delay_min real 1.6n minimum limit on delay (s)

List of Children Cells

BLK_DelayElement : A variable delay element with a linear V-to-D characteristic

List of Testbenches

tb_check : A testbench for checking the basic operation of a voltage-controlled delay line (VCDL)
tb_meas_tfdc : A testbench for measuring the voltage-to-delay (V-to-D) characteristics of a voltage-controlled delay line (VCDL)

tb_check : A testbench for checking the basic operation of a voltage-controlled delay line (VCDL)

This testbench checks the basic functionality of a voltage-controlled delay line (VCDL). In the first phase, the control voltage vctrl is kept constant at a value that makes the delay between clk_in and clk_out equal to one period of the input clock clk_in. In this phase, the 8 output clocks clk_out are expected to span 360 degrees uniformly.

And in the second phase, vctrl starts changing and the delay between clk_in and clk_out is expected to change according to the VCDL’s vctrl vs. delay transfer characteristics.

Simulation Results

the delay of the VCDL varying with the change in 'vctrl'

Figure. the delay of the VCDL varying with the change in vctrl.

the input and 8-phase output clocks at the locked state

Figure. the input and 8-phase output clocks at the locked state.

tb_meas_tfdc : A testbench for measuring the voltage-to-delay (V-to-D) characteristics of a voltage-controlled delay line (VCDL)

This testbench measures the voltage-to-delay characteristics of a voltage-controlled delay line (VCDL), by gradually varying the control voltage vctrl and measuring its delay. The resulting DC transfer characteristics is expected to show the delay changing as the model equation: delay=delay0+Kvcdl*(vctrl-vctrl0).

Simulation Results

the voltage-to-delay characteristics of the VCDL

Figure. the voltage-to-delay characteristics of the VCDL.