
CommunityCategory: XMODELModeling a finite-aperture clocked comparator with ‘compare’ primitive


Modeling a finite-aperture clocked comparator with ‘compare’ primitive

SA Support Team Staff 2023-08-29

I'd like to model a clocked comparator with a finite regeneration time and hence a delay that varies with the input magnitude. Based on the documentation, the 'compare' primitive has a mode that uses a finite-aperture comparator model, with a finite sampling bandwidth and finite regeneration time. Here is an excerpt from the documentation:

2) Finite sampling aperture comparator model

A realistic comparator acts on a weighted average of the input signal over a
certain finite time window rather than on an instantaneous value of the input
at one particular time point. This finite sampling aperture can be described
by an impulse sensitivity function (ISF), which describes the comparator's
internal response measured at one chosen observation point (t_obs) to an
impulse input arriving at time t.

Can you explain how to use the 'compare' primitive in the finite-aperture mode in more detail? I am not too familiar with the concept of impulse sensitivity function (ISF).

1 Answers
SA Support Team Staff 2023-08-29

Yes, the finite sampling aperture mode of the 'compare' primitive can model a clocked comparator with finite sampling bandwidth and regeneration time. In this mode, the output of the 'compare' primitive depends on the weighted average of the input signal over a finite time window (called "sampling aperture") and its output delay grows exponentially as the net input magnitude ('in'-'in_ref') decreases. That is, when the net input magnitude is close to zero, the delay can be very long, causing "metastability".

The finite sampling aperture mode of the 'compare' primitive is enabled when you assign non-negative values to the real-type array parameter 'ISF_params'. The figure below illustrates how the primitive behaves when you set 'ISF_params[0:4]' to {td, G, τS, τR, Δ}, where td is the trigger delay, G is the sampling gain, τS is the sampling time constant, τR is the regeneration time constant, and Δ is the decision threshold.

The main blocks of the finite-aperture clocked comparator model are sampling filter, regenerative amplifier, and decision slicer. First, the sampling filter filters the difference between the two inputs 'in' and 'in_ref' and produces a signal 'in_smp'. Its transfer function H(s) is G/(1+sτS), where G and τS set the gain and time constant of this first-order low-pass filter, respectively. Second, the regenerative amplifier has two operating modes depending on whether the trigger delay td has elapsed since the triggering edge of the 'trig' input has arrived. Before the delay td, the regenerative amplifier passes its input 'in_smp' to its output 'in_reg' as-is. On the other hand, after the delay td, the regenerative amplifier amplifies the signal via positive feedback, with an impulse response h(t) = exp(+t/τR). It means, any input that arrives after the delay td will grow exponentially over time, with a time constant equal to τR. Finally, the decision slicer monitors whether the regenerated output 'in_reg' goes above +Δ or below -Δ, where Δ is the decision threshold. When it does, the digital decision output 'out' is updated to the corresponding logic value.

The described clocked comparator model is basically a time-varying system. In other words, the comparator has different sensitivity to the input depending on when it arrives relative to the triggering edge of 'trig'. The impulse sensitivity function (ISF) is just a mathematical way of describing this time-varying sensitivity of the system. The output observed at a chosen time tobs (>td) is described as an integral of the product between the input signal and the ISF Γ(t).

The ISF Γ(t) of the finite-aperture comparator model has the following shape. It has a peak located at the delay td after the triggering edge of 'trig'. The exponential function describing Γ(t) prior to this peak has the time constant of τS, whereas the exponential function after the peak has the time constant of τR. The overall width of Γ(t) corresponds to the sampling aperture and the total area of Γ(t) corresponds to the total gain to a DC input. For more information on the ISF, please refer to this paper: Jaeha Kim, et al., "Simulation and Analysis of Random Decision Errors in Clocked Comparators," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, August 2009.

While the shape of the sampling aperture function (i.e. ISF) is determined mostly by τS and τR, the delay of the comparator is determined mostly by τR and Δ. It is because τR sets the rate at which the sampled value is amplified via regeneration and Δ sets the threshold that the regenerated value must reach in order for a decision to be made.

The following testbench file '' simulates the 'compare' primitive in the finite-aperture mode and measures its clock-to-out delay while varying the input magnitude. Note that you can access the internal signals 'in_smp' and 'in_reg' of the 'compare' primitive, which are the outputs of the sampling filter and regenerative amplifier, respectively. The polarity of the net input difference is flipped every clock cycle in order to force the change in the comparator's decision output and the delay from the positive edge of the triggering clock to the transition edge of the decision output is measured using the 'trig_posedge', 'trig_edge', and 'meas_delay' primitives.

// TESTBENCH tb_compare
// measuring the clock-to-out delay of a clocked comparator
// while varying the input magnitude

module tb_compare;
    parameter real delay_trig = 0.0;    // Trigger Delay
    parameter real gain_smp = 1.0;      // Sampling Gain
    parameter real tau_smp = 100e-12;   // Sampling Time Constant
    parameter real tau_reg = 100e-12;   // Regeneration Time Constant
    parameter real thres_out = 0.5;     // Output Threshold

    xreal in_mag, in_sign, in, in_ref;
    xreal in_smp, in_reg;
    xbit clk, out;
    xbit trig_clk, trig_out;
    real delay;

    // compare primitive in finite-aperture mode
    compare     #(.ISF_params('{delay_trig, gain_smp, tau_smp, tau_reg, thres_out}))
                COMP (.in(in), .in_ref(in_ref), .trig(clk), .out(out));

    // accessing internal signals of 'compare' primitive
    assign in_smp = COMP.in_smp;
    assign in_reg = COMP.in_reg;

    // stimuli and measurements
    pwl_gen     #(.data('{0.0,-0.1,1e-06,0.1})) SRC_INM (.out(in_mag));
    step_gen    #(.init_value(-1.0), .change(2.0), .delay(0.5e-9), .width(1e-9), .period(2e-9)) SRC_INS (in_sign);
    multiply    MULT (.in({in_mag, in_sign}), .out(in));
    dc_gen      #(.value(0.0)) SRC_REF (.out(in_ref));
    clk_gen     #(.freq(1e+09)) SRC_CLK (.out(clk));

    trig_posedge  TRIG1 (.in(clk), .out(trig_clk));
    trig_edge     TRIG2 (.in(out), .out(trig_out));
    meas_delay    MEAS (.out(delay), .from(trig_clk), .to(trig_out));

    initial begin


The simulation is run using the following command:

xmodel --top tb_compare --simtime 1us

And the simulated waveforms are shown below. The first set of waveforms confirms that the delay of the comparator exponentially increases from 160ps to 780ps while the input magnitude decreases from 0.01 towards 0.0.

This second set of waveforms is a close-in view of the 'in', 'in_ref', 'in_smp', 'in_reg', 'clk', and 'out' signals. As expected, the signal 'in_smp' is a low-pass filtered signal of the net input difference 'in'-'in_ref', and the signal 'in_reg' gets regenerated from the value of 'in_smp' when the comparator is triggered by the positive edge of 'clk'. The difference in the input magnitude causes a difference in the time it takes for 'in_reg' to reach the threshold and hence causes the difference in the delay.



‘compare’ primitive를 사용하여 유한한 aperture를 갖는 클록 비교기 모델링하는 법

SA Support Team Staff 2023-08-29

유한한 regeneration 시간을 가지고, 그로 인해 입력의 크기에 따라 지연시간이 변하는 클록 비교기 회로를 모델링하고 싶습니다. 문서에 의하면, 'compare' primitive에는 유한한 aperture를 갖는 비교기 모델을 사용하는 모드가 있고, 이를 사용하면 유한한 샘플링 대역폭과 유한한 regeneration 시간을 표현할 수 있는 것 같습니다. 예를 들면, 아래는 'compare' primitive 문서 (링크)의 일부입니다:

2) Finite sampling aperture comparator model

A realistic comparator acts on a weighted average of the input signal over a
certain finite time window rather than on an instantaneous value of the input
at one particular time point. This finite sampling aperture can be described
by an impulse sensitivity function (ISF), which describes the comparator's
internal response measured at one chosen observation point (t_obs) to an
impulse input arriving at time t.

'compare' primitive의 유한 aperture 모드를 사용하는 방법을 좀더 자세히 알려주실 수 있나요? 특히, 저는 impulse sensitivity function (ISF)의 개념을 잘 모릅니다.

1 Answers
SA Support Team Staff 2023-08-29

Yes, the finite sampling aperture mode of the 'compare' primitive can model a clocked comparator with finite sampling bandwidth and regeneration time. In this mode, the output of the 'compare' primitive depends on the weighted average of the input signal over a finite time window (called "sampling aperture") and its output delay grows exponentially as the net input magnitude ('in'-'in_ref') decreases. That is, when the net input magnitude is close to zero, the delay can be very long, causing "metastability".

The finite sampling aperture mode of the 'compare' primitive is enabled when you assign non-negative values to the real-type array parameter 'ISF_params'. The figure below illustrates how the primitive behaves when you set 'ISF_params[0:4]' to {td, G, τS, τR, Δ}, where td is the trigger delay, G is the sampling gain, τS is the sampling time constant, τR is the regeneration time constant, and Δ is the decision threshold.

The main blocks of the finite-aperture clocked comparator model are sampling filter, regenerative amplifier, and decision slicer. First, the sampling filter filters the difference between the two inputs 'in' and 'in_ref' and produces a signal 'in_smp'. Its transfer function H(s) is G/(1+sτS), where G and τS set the gain and time constant of this first-order low-pass filter, respectively. Second, the regenerative amplifier has two operating modes depending on whether the trigger delay td has elapsed since the triggering edge of the 'trig' input has arrived. Before the delay td, the regenerative amplifier passes its input 'in_smp' to its output 'in_reg' as-is. On the other hand, after the delay td, the regenerative amplifier amplifies the signal via positive feedback, with an impulse response h(t) = exp(+t/τR). It means, any input that arrives after the delay td will grow exponentially over time, with a time constant equal to τR. Finally, the decision slicer monitors whether the regenerated output 'in_reg' goes above +Δ or below -Δ, where Δ is the decision threshold. When it does, the digital decision output 'out' is updated to the corresponding logic value.

The described clocked comparator model is basically a time-varying system. In other words, the comparator has different sensitivity to the input depending on when it arrives relative to the triggering edge of 'trig'. The impulse sensitivity function (ISF) is just a mathematical way of describing this time-varying sensitivity of the system. The output observed at a chosen time tobs (>td) is described as an integral of the product between the input signal and the ISF Γ(t).

The ISF Γ(t) of the finite-aperture comparator model has the following shape. It has a peak located at the delay td after the triggering edge of 'trig'. The exponential function describing Γ(t) prior to this peak has the time constant of τS, whereas the exponential function after the peak has the time constant of τR. The overall width of Γ(t) corresponds to the sampling aperture and the total area of Γ(t) corresponds to the total gain to a DC input. For more information on the ISF, please refer to this paper: Jaeha Kim, et al., "Simulation and Analysis of Random Decision Errors in Clocked Comparators," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, August 2009.

While the shape of the sampling aperture function (i.e. ISF) is determined mostly by τS and τR, the delay of the comparator is determined mostly by τR and Δ. It is because τR sets the rate at which the sampled value is amplified via regeneration and Δ sets the threshold that the regenerated value must reach in order for a decision to be made.

The following testbench file '' simulates the 'compare' primitive in the finite-aperture mode and measures its clock-to-out delay while varying the input magnitude. Note that you can access the internal signals 'in_smp' and 'in_reg' of the 'compare' primitive, which are the outputs of the sampling filter and regenerative amplifier, respectively. The polarity of the net input difference is flipped every clock cycle in order to force the change in the comparator's decision output and the delay from the positive edge of the triggering clock to the transition edge of the decision output is measured using the 'trig_posedge', 'trig_edge', and 'meas_delay' primitives.

// TESTBENCH tb_compare
// measuring the clock-to-out delay of a clocked comparator
// while varying the input magnitude

module tb_compare;
    parameter real delay_trig = 0.0;    // Trigger Delay
    parameter real gain_smp = 1.0;      // Sampling Gain
    parameter real tau_smp = 100e-12;   // Sampling Time Constant
    parameter real tau_reg = 100e-12;   // Regeneration Time Constant
    parameter real thres_out = 0.5;     // Output Threshold

    xreal in_mag, in_sign, in, in_ref;
    xreal in_smp, in_reg;
    xbit clk, out;
    xbit trig_clk, trig_out;
    real delay;

    // compare primitive in finite-aperture mode
    compare     #(.ISF_params('{delay_trig, gain_smp, tau_smp, tau_reg, thres_out}))
                COMP (.in(in), .in_ref(in_ref), .trig(clk), .out(out));

    // accessing internal signals of 'compare' primitive
    assign in_smp = COMP.in_smp;
    assign in_reg = COMP.in_reg;

    // stimuli and measurements
    pwl_gen     #(.data('{0.0,-0.1,1e-06,0.1})) SRC_INM (.out(in_mag));
    step_gen    #(.init_value(-1.0), .change(2.0), .delay(0.5e-9), .width(1e-9), .period(2e-9)) SRC_INS (in_sign);
    multiply    MULT (.in({in_mag, in_sign}), .out(in));
    dc_gen      #(.value(0.0)) SRC_REF (.out(in_ref));
    clk_gen     #(.freq(1e+09)) SRC_CLK (.out(clk));

    trig_posedge  TRIG1 (.in(clk), .out(trig_clk));
    trig_edge     TRIG2 (.in(out), .out(trig_out));
    meas_delay    MEAS (.out(delay), .from(trig_clk), .to(trig_out));

    initial begin


The simulation is run using the following command:

xmodel --top tb_compare --simtime 1us

And the simulated waveforms are shown below. The first set of waveforms confirms that the delay of the comparator exponentially increases from 160ps to 780ps while the input magnitude decreases from 0.01 towards 0.0.

This second set of waveforms is a close-in view of the 'in', 'in_ref', 'in_smp', 'in_reg', 'clk', and 'out' signals. As expected, the signal 'in_smp' is a low-pass filtered signal of the net input difference 'in'-'in_ref', and the signal 'in_reg' gets regenerated from the value of 'in_smp' when the comparator is triggered by the positive edge of 'clk'. The difference in the input magnitude causes a difference in the time it takes for 'in_reg' to reach the threshold and hence causes the difference in the delay.
