Table of Contents

4. Modeling and Simulation of High-Speed I/O Interfaces in XMODEL

Modeling and Simulation of High-Speed I/O Interfaces in XMODEL


This tutorial covers how to model the key components of high-speed links such as channels, transceivers, equalizers, and clock generation/recovery circuits and simulate the overall system performance metrics such as bit-error rates (BERs), eye diagrams, jitter tolerance curves, etc. For instance, the tutorial covers:

How To Get Started

1. Install the latest XMODEL package as explained in the XMODEL Installation Guide.

2. Properly setup your Unix shell & Cadence® Virtuoso® environments as explained in the XMODEL Installation Guide or XMODEL Setup Summary documents.

3. Copy the tutorial files to your local directories, for instance:

cp -R ${XMODEL_HOME}/tutorial/xmodel_hslink ~/xmodel_hslink

4. Set additional environment variables for the tutorials by sourcing the setup files located in the etc/ directory.
For instance, on bash-like shells:

cd ~/xmodel_hslink
source etc/setup.bashrc

And on csh-like shells:

cd ~/xmodel_hslink
source etc/setup.cshrc

You may need to modify these setup files according to your own environment.

5. Start the Cadence® Virtuoso® session:

cd cadence
virtuoso &

6. And follow the instructions in the tutorial materials in ~/xmodel_hslink/doc. Enjoy!

Exercise Package