Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Modeling and Simulation with XMODEL

Introduction to Modeling and Simulation with XMODEL


This tutorial covers the basics of using XMODEL to model and simulate analog/mixed-signal systems. Particularly, one can learn how to compose model sources, run simulations, and plot waveforms from UNIX command-line interface using the commands like xmodel and xwave. The final two chapters cover an example of modeling a digital phase-locked loop, which is composed of both analog and digital components.

Note: if you are more interested in using XMODEL within Cadence Virtuoso, please refer to the GLISTER tutorial, located in ${XMODEL_HOME}/tutorial/glister_basic.

How To Get Started

1. Install the latest XMODEL package as explained in the XMODEL Installation Guide.

2. Properly setup your Unix shell environments as explained in the XMODEL Installation Guide or XMODEL Setup Summary documents.

3. Copy the tutorial files to your local directories, for instance:

cp -R ${XMODEL_HOME}/tutorial/xmodel_basic ~/xmodel_basic

4. Try running the first XMODEL simulation:

cd ~/xmodel_basic
cd sim/tb_stim

And follow the tutorial materials in the ~/xmodel_basic/doc directory. Enjoy!

Exercise Package