
CommunityCategory: MODELZENTutorials on writing UDMs


Tutorials on writing UDMs

SA Support Team Staff 2021-05-11

I find the UDM feature of MODELZEN useful and want to develop my own UDMs. Can you provide a guide on how to get started?

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2021-05-11

To learn how to write your own UDMs, we'd recommend starting with the tutorial linked below. It provides a step-by-step guide on how to write each part of the UDM with exercise examples.

When you write UDMs, you may find it necessary to use the XMULAN and MODELFIT Python libraries provided in the XMODEL package. They can run SPICE simulations from a Python script and extract model parameters from the simulated results. To learn about these Python libraries, we'd recommend reading the following chapters included in the MODELZEN tutorial. The lecture notes and exercise package can be found within the XMODEL installation directory: $XMODEL_HOME/tutorial/modelzen_basic.

For your information, the XMODEL package includes many UDMs that you can use as-is to extract models from your circuits. The tutorial linked below describe each of the UDMs along with the circuit examples for you try applying the UDMs to.


UDM 작성법 튜토리얼

SA Support Team Staff 2021-05-11

MODELZEN의 UDM 기능이 유용하다고 판단되어 저만의 UDM을 작성해보고 싶습니다. 어떻게 시작하면 좋을지 가이드를 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2021-05-11

To learn how to write your own UDMs, we'd recommend starting with the tutorial linked below. It provides a step-by-step guide on how to write each part of the UDM with exercise examples.

When you write UDMs, you may find it necessary to use the XMULAN and MODELFIT Python libraries provided in the XMODEL package. They can run SPICE simulations from a Python script and extract model parameters from the simulated results. To learn about these Python libraries, we'd recommend reading the following chapters included in the MODELZEN tutorial. The lecture notes and exercise package can be found within the XMODEL installation directory: $XMODEL_HOME/tutorial/modelzen_basic.

For your information, the XMODEL package includes many UDMs that you can use as-is to extract models from your circuits. The tutorial linked below describe each of the UDMs along with the circuit examples for you try applying the UDMs to.