
xbit_to_xreal_var :
An xbit-to-xreal connector with variable logic-1 and logic-0 levels.

The xbit_to_xreal_var primitive converts an xbit-type signal to an xreal-type signal with variable logic-1 and logic-0 levels. The digital level of the input signal is converted to an analog level, defined by the two external inputs: level0 and level1.

The parameters Rout and Cout specify the optional output resistance and capacitance, respectively. The output resistance effectively sets the driving strength and output capacitance sets the transition time of the connector.

The parameters valueX and valueZ define the mapped values of logic X and logic Z, respectively. For example, if valueX is set to 0, all input values corresponding to logic X are treated as logic 0. Note that by default, the primitive leaves the output floating at its last value when the input has a logic X or logic Z value.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xreal xreal-type output
in input xbit xbit-type input
level0 input xreal conversion level for logic 0
level1 input xreal conversion level for logic 1


Name Type Default Unit Description
width integer 1 None connector bit-width
Rout real 0.0 ohms output resistance
Cout real 0.0 farads output capacitance
valueX logic 1’bx None mapped value of logic X
valueZ logic 1’bz None mapped value of logic Z
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