
xbit_to_real :
An xbit-to-real connector.

The xbit_to_real primitive converts an xbit-type signal to a real-type signal. The digital level of the input signal is converted to an analog level, defined by the conversion level parameters: level0 and level1. The output signal makes instantaneous transitions with zero rise/fall times.

The parameter delay specifies the inertial delay of the primitive. In other words, if a new input event arrives before the previous event propagates to the output, the previous event will be cancelled.

The parameters valueX and valueZ define the mapped values of logic X and logic Z, respectively. For example, if valueX is set to 0, all input values corresponding to logic X are treated as logic 0. Note that by default, the primitive ignores the logic X and logic Z values of the input and retains the last output value.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output real real-type output
in input xbit xbit-type input


Name Type Default Unit Description
level0 real 0.0 None conversion level for logic 0
level1 real 1.0 None conversion level for logic 1
delay real 0.0 seconds propagation delay
valueX logic 1’bx None mapped value of logic X
valueZ logic 1’bz None mapped value of logic Z
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