
transformer :
An ideal transformer circuit element.

The transformer primitive represents an ideal two-winding transformer. Winding 1 connects terminals pos1 and neg1 and has n1 turns. Winding 2 connects terminals pos2 and neg2 and has n2 turns. An ideal transformer has the following I/V relationships:

    v1/v2 = n1/n2
    i1/i2 = -n2/n1

To model a physical transformer with the inductance of L1 and L2 and coupling coefficient of k between the two windings, add a parallel inductor Lp=k*L1 between the pos1 and neg1 terminals and series inductors Ls1=L1*(1-k) and Ls2=L2*(1-k) to the windings 1 and 2, respectively. The turn ratio n1/n2 is equal to sqrt(L1/L2). The absolute number of turns of each winding is not important but only the ratio n1/n2.

                         o     o
   o---Ls1---o pos1 o----) ||| (----o pos2 o---Ls2---o
             |           ) ||| (
             Lp          ) ||| (
             |           ) ||| (
             o neg1 o----) ||| (----o neg2

The internal xreal-typed variables V, I, and P measure the voltage across, current through, and power entering the port of winding 1, respectively. The voltage, current, and power of the port of winding 2 can be easily derived using the I/V equations listed above. Note that the ideal transformer itself does not dissipate any power and the power entering the port of winding 1 is always equal to the power leaving the port of winding 2.

Note that this primitive is a pseudo-module to describe a structural netlist of electrical circuits and not a behavioral model by itself. The XMODEL simulator extracts an event-driven behavioral model at run-time based on the circuit network described by these circuit-level pseudo-modules.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
pos1 input xreal positive terminal of winding 1
neg1 input xreal negative terminal of winding 1
pos2 input xreal positive terminal of winding 2
neg2 input xreal negative terminal of winding 2


Name Type Default Unit Description
n1 real 1.0 None number of turns on winding 1
n2 real 1.0 None number of turns on winding 2
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