
siph_cwlaser :
A continuous-wave laser source element.

The siph_cwlaser primitive represents a multi-wavelength, continuous-wave laser source.

The parameter wavelength specifies the list of wavelengths, and the parameters power and init_phase specify the power and initial phase of the corresponding wavelength components, respectively. If the parameter power or init_phase has only one element, it is assumed that all the wavelength components have the same power or initial phase, respectively.

The parameter Zrel specifies the relative characteristic impedance of the optical waveguide feeding the laser to the output port out. The value of Zrel is relative to a reference impedance (Z0) of your choice. The use of this relative impedance allows one to determine the amount of reflections at impedance discontinuities without having to know the absolute values of the characteristic impedances. While the choice of the reference impedance (Z0) can be arbitrary, it must be consistent across all the silicon-photonic components used in a system. In other words, all the equivalent circuit elements describing the impedance relationships at the optical ports must use the impedance values relative to the same Z0.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out input xreal optical output port


Name Type Default Unit Description
wavelength real array ‘{1550e-9} meters list of wavelengths
power real array ‘{1.0} watts list of power values
init_phase real array ‘{0.0} radian list of initial phases
Zrel real 1.0 None relative characteristic impedance
filename string “” None parameter definition file
siph_cwlaser_var »