
sin_func :
A sinusoidal function for an xreal-typed signal.

The sin_func primitive produces an xreal-typed output which is a sinusoidal function of an xreal-typed input. That is,

    out = f(in),

where the function f() can be either sin() or cos() function, depending on the parameter mode. Set the parameter mode to “sin” for sin() function and “cos” for cos() function. The parameter scale sets the additional scale factor applied to the output.

The primitive first approximates the input as a piecewise-linear (PWL) waveform before computing its sinusoidal function output. The parameters abstol and reltol set the absolute and relative tolerances of such PWL approximation, respectively.

NOTE: this primitive adds a unit timestep delay from its input to output for synchronization.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xreal output signal
in input xreal input signal


Name Type Default Unit Description
mode string ‘sin’ None function type (“sin” or “cos”)
scale real 1.0 None scale factor
abstol real 1e-4 None absolute tolerance for input
reltol real 1e-2 None relative tolerance for input
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