
res_var :
A variable resistor circuit element.

The res_var primitive represents a two-terminal resistor of which resistance varies with the voltage across the two terminals, pos and neg.

The parameter R is a real-typed array defining the voltage-dependent resistance as a piecewise-constant (PWC) function using the following coefficients:

'{R0, V1, R1, V2, R2, V3, R3, ..., RN}.

meaning that the resistance R is:

R = R0     for V < V1,
    R1     for V1 <= V < V2,
    R2     for V2 <= V < V3,
    R(N-1) for V(N-1) <= V < VN,
    RN     for VN <= V.

Note that the array has an odd number of elements since it starts with a resistance value (R0) and ends with a resistance value (RN). The piecewise-constant resistance means that the resistor has a piecewise-linear I-V relationship.

Note that this primitive is a pseudo-module to describe a structural netlist of electrical circuits and not a behavioral model by itself. The XMODEL simulator extracts an event-driven behavioral model at run-time based on the circuit network described by these circuit-level pseudo-modules.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
pos input xreal positive terminal
neg input xreal negative terminal


Name Type Default Unit Description
R real array ‘{1.0} ohms PWC resistance
Cpos real 0.0 farads pos-to-gnd capacitance
Cneg real 0.0 farads neg-to-gnd capacitance
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