
res_sw :
A switchable resistor circuit element.

The res_sw primitive represents a two-terminal resistor of which resistance can be controlled by a third input R. In other words, the resistance between the two terminals pos and neg switches to a new value indicated by the real-typed input R whenever its value changes.

Since every value-change event of the input R triggers a new computation, the res_sw primitive is not recommended for modeling resistance that continuously varies with a voltage or current (use a res_var primitive for nonlinear, voltage-dependent resistance). The res_sw primitive is intended mainly for resistance that switches between discrete levels (e.g. resistance programmable by digital control).

Note that this primitive is a pseudo-module to describe a structural netlist of electrical circuits and not a behavioral model by itself. The XMODEL simulator extracts an event-driven behavioral model at run-time based on the circuit network described by these circuit-level pseudo-modules.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
pos input xreal positive terminal
neg input xreal negative terminal
R input real resistance


Name Type Default Unit Description
Cpos real 0.0 farads pos-to-gnd capacitance
Cneg real 0.0 farads neg-to-gnd capacitance
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