
real_to_xbit :
A real-to-xbit connector.

The real_to_xbit primitive converts a real-type signal to an xbit-type signal. The analog level of the input signal is converted to a digital level using the threshold parameters: threshold, thres0, or thres1.

The parameter threshold sets the threshold level between logic 0 and logic 1. In other words, the output changes to logic 1 when the input rises above this threshold and to logic 1 when it falls below the threshold.

In addition, by defining the parameters thres0 and thres1, one can set different thresholds for logic 0 and logic 1 (NOTE: not yet implemented).

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xbit xbit-type output
in input real real-type input


Name Type Default Unit Description
threshold real 0.5 None threshold level
thres0 real `NAN None threshold level for logic 0
thres1 real `NAN None threshold level for logic 1
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