
pwl_gen :
An analog piecewise-linear stimulus generator.

The pwl_gen primitive generates an xreal-typed, piecewise-linear (PWL) waveform defined as a series of (time,value) points. The waveform can be described either by using the real-typed array parameter data or by feeding a file of which name is defined by the parameter filename.

The parameter data is formatted as a real-typed array of time-value pairs:
‘{ time1, value1, time2, value2, time3, value3, … }.
For instance, data = ‘{1e-9, 0.5, 2e-9, 0.3, 3e-9, 0.7}.

When the parameter filename is specified, the primitive reads the named file that defines the parameter values in Python format. For instance, for the parameter data, its real-typed array value can be defined within the file as the following:

    data = [ time1, value1,
             time2, value2,
             time3, value3,

The parameter period defines the period at which the waveform is repeated. If its value is negative (e.g. -1), the waveform is not repeated. The parameter repeat_pos defines the start point of the waveform to repeat (by default, 0.0). The parameter delay defines the initial delay for the primitive to wait before generating the waveform.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xreal signal output


Name Type Default Unit Description
data real array ‘{0.0,0.0,1.0e-9,1.0} None PWL data series
repeat_pos real 0.0 seconds repetition start position
period real -1.0 seconds repetition period
delay real 0.0 seconds initial delay
filename string ” “ None PWL data description file
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