
probe_ac :
An AC analysis probe for measuring frequency-domain, AC transfer function.

The probe_ac primitive measures the frequency-domain transfer function of a circuit by supplying an AC stimulus (stim) and measuring the circuit’s response (resp). That is, one can measure a frequency-domain transfer function by configuring a testbench that feeds the stim output of this primitive to the circuit’s input and connects the circuit’s output to the resp input of this primitive.

The stimulus stim is a sinusoidal chirp signal with specified DC offset (stim_dc) and AC amplitude (stim_ac), and with frequency varying from freq_start to freq_stop over the time period after an initial delay delay. Over the course of simulation, the probe_ac primitive measures the response at each frequency value and records the corresponding transfer function magnitude and phase values in a table format to a text file named by the parameter filename. The simulation must be run longer than delay+period in order for the primitive to collect the entire transfer function.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
stim output xreal stimulus (to circuit)
resp input xreal response (from circuit)


Name Type Default Unit Description
filename string “probe_ac.dat” None output filename
stim_dc real 0.0 None stimulus DC offset
stim_ac real 1.0 None stimulus AC amplitude
freq_start real 10.0e6 Hz start frequency
freq_stop real 10.0e9 Hz stop frequency
period real 1e-6 seconds sweep period
delay real 0.0 seconds initial delay
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