
npn :
An NPN-type bipolar junction transistor.

The npn primitive represents a three-terminal NPN-type bipolar junction transistor. It implements an approximate Ebers-Moll transistor model described below:

    Ic = Is*(exp(Vbe/(N*VT))-1) - (1+1/Br)*Is*(exp(Vbc/(N*VT))-1)
    Ie = (1+1/Bf)*Is*(exp(Vbe/(N*VT))-1) - Is*(exp(Vbc/(N*VT))-1)
    Ib = Ie - Ic
    where VT = kT/q (25.695mV at 25C)

In the equations above, Is and VT change with the global parameter `global_temp, defining the temperature in Celsius (default: 25C). Specifically, the thermal voltage VT is proportional to the absolute temperature and the transport saturation current Is is proportional to exp(-VG0/VT), where VG0 is assumed to be 1.205V for silicon.

The parameters abstol and reltol set the error tolerance approximating these equations.

This primitive is a pseudo-module to describe a structural netlist of electrical circuits and not a behavioral model by itself. The XMODEL simulator extracts an event-driven behavioral model at run-time based on the circuit network described by these circuit-level pseudo-modules.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
c input xreal collector
b input xreal base
e input xreal emitter
s input xreal substrate


Name Type Default Unit Description
Is real 1e-16 A transport saturation current at T=25C
N real 1.0 None emission coefficient
Bf real 100.0 None forward beta
Br real 1.0 None reverse beta
Va real `INFINITY V Early voltage
Cbe real 0.0 farad base-emitter capacitance
Cbc real 0.0 farad base-collector capacitance
Ccs real 0.0 farad collector-substrate capacitance
Cbs real 0.0 farad base-substrate capacitance
Ces real 0.0 farad emitter-substrate capacitance
abstol real 1e-9 A absolute tolerance
reltol real 0.1 None relative tolerance
m real 1.0 None multiplicity factor
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