
nor_xbit :
A multi-input NOR gate with xbit-type input/output’s.

The nor_xbit primitive models a multi-input NOR logic gate with xbit-typed signals. It is suitable for processing digital signals of which precise timing information must be preserved.

The input to the nor_xbit primitive is an xbit array, of which length is specified by the parameter num_in.

The propagation delay of the logic gate is specified by the parameter delay. The implemented delay is inertial, meaning that if a new input event arrives before the previous input event propagates to the output, the output event will be overriden with the one corresponding to the new input event. If a transport delay behavior is desired, use the delay_xbit primitive instead.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xbit output signal
in input xbit input signals


Name Type Default Unit Description
num_in integer 2 None number of inputs
delay real 0.0 seconds propagation delay
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or_xbit »