
nmosfet :
An n-type MOSFET transistor.

The nmosfet primitive represents a four-terminal n-channel MOSFET.

The current version implements an approximate EKV transistor model, consisting of two transconductance stages with rectified linear characteristics:

Id1 = KP * W/L * (Vgs - Vth)    if Vgs > Vth
Id2 = KP * W/L * (Vgd - Vth)    if Vgd > Vth
Ids = Id1 - Id2

Each capacitance parameter (Cgs, Cgd, Cgb, Csb, Cdb) is an array of three real-typed values each expressing the capacitance between the corresponding terminals of the transistor operating in cut-off, linear, and saturation region, respectively.

This primitive is a pseudo-module to describe a structural netlist of electrical circuits and not a behavioral model by itself. The XMODEL simulator extracts an event-driven behavioral model at run-time based on the circuit network described by these circuit-level pseudo-modules.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
d input xreal drain
g input xreal gate
s input xreal source
b input xreal bulk


Name Type Default Unit Description
W real 1e-6 m channel width
L real 1e-6 m channel length
Kp real 1e-3 A/V intrinsic transconductance
Kp_data real ‘{0.0} A/V intrinsic transconductance data
Vth real 0.0 V threshold voltage
Ro real `INFINITY V output resistance
Cgs real_array ‘{0.0,0.0,0.0} farad/m G-to-S capacitance per width (off,lin,sat)
Cgd real_array ‘{0.0,0.0,0.0} farad/m G-to-D capacitance per width (off,lin,sat)
Cgb real_array ‘{0.0,0.0,0.0} farad/m G-to-B capacitance per width (off,lin,sat)
Csb real_array ‘{0.0,0.0,0.0} farad/m S-to-B capacitance per width (off,lin,sat)
Cdb real_array ‘{0.0,0.0,0.0} farad/m D-to-B capacitance per width (off,lin,sat)
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