
meas_negedge :
Measurement of the time instants of an xbit-typed signal’s falling transition events.

The meas_negedge primitive measures the time instants when an xbit-typed signal in has the (N+k*P)-th falling transition after a specified delay, where k is 0, 1, 2, and so on. The output is a real-typed value indicating the absolute time of each event. The triggering count N, period P, and delay are defined by the parameters times, period, and delay, respectively. When the parameter times is less than or equal to 0, the primitive updates the measurement whenever in has a falling transition after the delay. This primitive is equivalent to the meas_edge primitive with the direction parameter set to -1.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output real measurement output
in input xbit input signal


Name Type Default Unit Description
delay real 0.0 seconds triggering delay
times integer 0 None triggering count
period integer 0 None triggering period
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