
meas_max :
A primitive for measuring the maximum value of an xreal-typed signal within a time interval.

The meas_max primitive measures the maximum value of an xreal-typed input signal in within a time interval defined by the two trigger signals, from and to. To properly define the time interval of measurement, the triggering events of from and to must arrive in pairs and in each pair, the from event must come before the to event. The output out initially takes an “NaN (not-a-number)” value until the first measurement can be made. It gets updated whenever the to event marks the end of time interval, and may become NaN again if a to event arrives without a pairing from event, marking an invalid time interval.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output real output value
in input xreal input signal
from input xbit from trigger
to input xbit to trigger
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