
meas_ber :
A primitive for measuring the bit-error rate of a data stream.

The meas_ber primitive measures the bit-error rate of a data stream in by comparing it either with the external reference data stream in_ref (mode=”ext” or “in”) or with an internal PRBS reference (mode=”int” or “prbs”). In case of using an internal PRBS reference, the parameter length defines the LFSR length N, generating a pseudo-random bit sequence with a length of 2^N-1. The value range of length is 3~128 (default: 7).

The parameter trig_mode defines whether the inputs in and in_ref are sampled at the positive edge (1), negative edge (-1), or both edges (0) of the input clk. By default, the inputs are sampled at the negative edge of clk (-1), assuming the data transitions are aligned with the positive edges of clk. The parameters start and stop define when the measurement begins and ends, respectively.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
bit_err output reg bit error indicator
prb_err output real bit error probability
in input xbit input signal
in_ref input xbit reference signal
clk input xbit clock signal


Name Type Default Unit Description
mode string “ext” None reference source
length integer 7 None reference LFSR length
trig_mode integer -1 None triggering mode
start real 0.0 seconds abs. time to start measurement
stop real -1.0 seconds abs. time to stop measurement
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