
limit :
A limiting operator for xreal-typed signals.

The limit primitive produces a bounded range of output by limiting the input signal in to the range specified by the parameters upper_limit and lower_limit. In other words, the output signal out is set according to the following equation:

    out = lower_limit   for in < lower_limit
          in            for lower_limit <= in < upper_limit
          upper_limit   for in >= upper_limit

To pose the lower limit only, the parameter upper_limit can be set to `INFINITY. Similarly, the pose the upper limit only, the parameter lower_limit can be set to -`INFINITY.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xreal output signal
in input xreal input signal


Name Type Default Unit Description
upper_limit real 1.0 None upper-limit level
lower_limit real -1.0 None lower-limit level
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