
freq_to_clk :
Frequency-to-clock domain translator

The freq_to_clk primitive takes an xreal-typed input in expressing a frequency and produces xbit-typed clock signals out with the corresponding frequency. The primitive can also produce multiple clocks with uniformly-spaced phases as well as clocks with phase noise or random jitter.

The parameter num_phase sets the number of output clock phases and the parameter init_phase sets the initial phase of the clock at t=0, where a negative value (e.g. -1) implies that the initial phase is to be randomized.

The phase noise of the output clocks can be specified using the phase noise parameters PN_fcenter, PN_foffset, PN_dbc, PN_fcorner, and PN_floor, assuming the phase noise spectrum of a typical oscillator consisting of 1/f^3 noise, 1/f^2 noise, and noise floor (ref: D. B. Leeson, “A Simple Model of Feedback Oscillator Noise Spectrum,” in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 54, Feb. 1966, pp. 329–330). These phase noise parameters take effects only when the parameter PN_fcenter has a positive value (default: -1.0).

  log(PN) | \
          |  \ 1/f^3 noise
          |   \
          |    \
          |     `` 1/f^2 noise
          |       ``          noise floor
          |         ``---------- (=PN_floor)
          +----+------------------ log(f)

The parameter PN_fcorner defines the 1/f^3 phase noise corner frequency, i.e., the offset frequency at which the 1/f^3 noise and 1/f^2 noise have equal levels (default: 0.0). The parameter PN_floor defines the phase noise floor, i.e. the minimum phase noise level in dBc/Hz at all frequencies (default: -`INFINITY). When the parameters PN_fcorner and PN_floor have their default values (0.0 and -`INFINITY, respectively), the output clock has only 1/f^2 phase noise.

The 1/f^2 phase noise characteristics can be defined by specifying its phase noise level in dBc/Hz (PN_dbc) measured at one offset frequency (PN_foffset) from the center frequency (PN_fcenter, which is equal to freq by default) using the parameters PN_dbc, PN_foffset, and PN_fcenter, respectively. To avoid confusion, it is recommended to use the PN_foffset value greater than the PN_fcorner value and the PN_dbc value greater than the PN_floor value to define the 1/f^2 phase noise level. Otherwise, the total phase noise level produced by the primitive at the offset frequency PN_foffset might not be equal to the specified PN_dbc due to the additional 1/f^3 phase noise or phase noise floor.

Alternatively, the phase noise of the output clocks can be specified using the random jitter parameters RJ_kappa and RJ_rms. The parameter RJ_kappa defines the RMS value of the accumulated random jitter, which increases as a square-root function of time due to the 1/f^2 phase noise. On the other hand, the parameter RJ_rms defines the RMS value of the independent random jitter, which has fixed statistics regardless of time. Defining these random jitter parameters is equivalent to defining the phase noise parameters satisfying the following relationships:

        RJ_kappa = 10^(PN_dbc/20) * PN_foffset / PN_fcenter.
        RJ_rms = 10^(PN_floor/20) / (2π*sqrt(PN_fcenter)),

Note that the random jitter parameters RJ_kappa and RJ_rms cannot specify the 1/f^3 phase noise.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xbit clock output
in input xreal frequency input


Name Type Default Unit Description
num_phase integer 1 None number of phases
init_phase real 0.0 radian initial clock phase
PN_fcenter real -1.0 Hz phase noise center frequency
PN_foffset real 0.0 Hz phase noise offset frequency
PN_dbc real -`INFINITY dBc/Hz phase noise measured in dBc/Hz
PN_fcorner real 0.0 Hz 1/f^3 phase noise corner frequency
PN_floor real -`INFINITY dBc/Hz phase noise floor measured in dBc/Hz
RJ_kappa real 0.0 second RMS accumulated random jitter after 1 second
RJ_rms real 0.0 second RMS independent random jitter
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