
filter_fir :
A finite impulse response filter.

The filter_fir primitive is a discrete-time filter with a finite impulse response. It decides the output value based on N previous inputs and its discrete-time impulse response as follows:

    out[n] = data[0]*x[n] + data[1]*x[n-1] + ... + data[N-1]*x[n-N+1]

    where x[n] = -0.5 for in[n] = 0
                  0.5 for in[n] = 1

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xreal analog output
in input xbit digital input
trig input xbit trigger input


Name Type Default Unit Description
data real array ‘{1.0} None filter coefficients
tran_time real 0.0 seconds transition time
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