
filter_comb_var :
A variable comb filter for xreal-typed signals.

The filter_comb_var primitive models a variable continuous-time comb filter, of which Laplace s-domain transfer function is:

            a0 + a1*exp(-s*T)
    H(s) = -------------------
            b0 + b1*exp(-s*T)

where the value of T is controlled by a real-typed input delay. The numerator coefficients a0 and a1 are defined by the parameter array num_data (namely, num_data[0] and num_data[1], respectively), and the denominator coefficients b0 and b1 are defined by the parameter array den_data (namely, den_data[0] and den_data[1], respectively). The value of the coefficient b0 (i.e. den_data[0] value) must not be zero.

Such comb filters are typically realized by combining the input signal in(t) or output signal out(t) and their delayed signals (in(t-T) or out(t-T), respectively) in a feedforward or feedback manner:

    Feedforward type : out(t) = a0*in(t) + a1*in(t-T)
    Feedback type    : out(t) = (a0*in(t) - b1*out(t-T))/b0

and this primitive can express both types of comb filters. The delay T is defined by the parameter delay.

Note that the transfer function of a comb filter basically describes a discrete-time system with a sampling period of T. To avoid a series of discrete-time events being generated and slowing down the simulation, the filter_comb_var primitive computes its response using an approximate, equivalent continuous-time transfer function instead.

Optionally, one can also describe the deviation of the delay from its nominal value set by the input delay as a function of frequency f, using the parameter array delay_data. This parameter delay_data defines the coefficients of a single-input polynomial function in the same way that the parameter data does for the primitive poly_func. For instance, setting delay_data to ‘{d0, d1} implies that the delay T would vary as a linear function with the frequency f:

    T(f) = delay + (d0 + d1*f).

Such variation in the delay causes shifts in the periodic patterns of the comb filter’s frequency response.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xreal output signal
in input xreal input signal
delay input real delay (T)


Name Type Default Unit Description
num_data real array ‘{1.0, 0.0} None numerator coefficients (a0, a1)
den_data real array ‘{1.0, 0.0} None denominator coefficients (b0, b1)
delay_data real array ‘{0.0} seconds delay variation data
filename string “” None parameter definition file
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