
exp_gen :
An analog exponential signal generator

The exp_gen primitive generates an exponential signal. A set of parameters define the stimulus waveform V(t) as follows:

  • For t < delay1 :
    V(t) = init_value
  • For delay1 <= t < delay2:
    V(t) = init_value + change*(1-exp(delay1-t)/tau1)
  • For t >= delay2 :
    V(t) = init_value + change*(1-exp(delay1-t)/tau1)
           - change*(1-exp(delay2-t)/tau2)

That is, the primitive initially generates a DC signal at init_value. At the first onset (t=delay1), the primitive starts to generate a signal that exponentially converges towards init_value+change with a time constant of tau1. Then at the second onset (t=delay2), the signal starts to exponentially converge back towards init_value with a time constant of tau2. If the parameter delay2 is negative, the primitive does not produce the second onset.

The primitive can also repeat the two exponential onsets at the period defined by the parameter period, when it has a positive value greater than delay2-delay1.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output xreal signal output


Name Type Default Unit Description
init_value real 0.0 None initial value
change real 0.0 None change value
delay1 real 0.0 seconds delay to onset #1
delay2 real -1.0 seconds delay to onset #2
tau1 real 0.0 seconds time constant #1
tau2 real 0.0 seconds time constant #2
period real -1.0 seconds repetition period
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