
dump :
A primitive to dump waveforms into a file

The dump primitive instructs the simulator to dump waveforms into a file. In other words, when a dump primitive is placed on a schematic, its netlist will include the $xmodel_dumpfile() and $xmodel_dumpvars() commands, which by default record all the variables at the current level and all of its lower levels into a file.

The parameters filename and format define the name and format of the waveform file, respectively. Currently, the supported formats are jezbinary, jezascii, and fsdb.

The parameters start and stop defines the absolute times in seconds to start and stop the waveform recording, respectively. By default, the waveforms of the entire time range are recorded. The parameter level defines the level of monitoring depth. For instance, level of 0 dumps the variables at the current level and all of its lower levels. On the other hand, level of 1 dumps the variables at the current level only and level of 2 dumps the variables at the current level and its one level below.

The parameter stat is a flag enabling the statistical data recording. It is valid only when dumping waveforms in jezbinary or jezascii format. The parameter progress is a flag enabling the progress display during the simulation.

The parameter types defines the types of variables to be dumped using a comma-separated list. Possible variable types include xbit, xreal, reg, wire, bit, int, integer, and real. The parameter vars defines the names of variables or modules to be dumped using a comma-separated list.

The parameter options defines the extra options to be supplied to the $xmodel_dumpvars() command. For the full list of supported options, please refer to the XMODEL User Guide.


Name Type Default Unit Description
filename string “xmodel.jez” None waveform filename
format string “jezbinary” None waveform format
start real 0.0 seconds start time
stop real -1.0 seconds stop time
level int 0 None depth level
stat boolean False None statistical mode
progress boolean False None show simulation progress
types string “” None types
vars string “” None variables
options string “” None extra options
meas_avg »