
BLK_ChargePumpLoopFilter : A loop filter for charge-pump PLL

A loop filter in a phase-locked loop (PLL) adjusts the control input to the oscillator based on the phase error information provided by the phase-frequency detector (PFD). In particular, a charge-pump loop filter performs this operation by employing a charge pump which charges or discharges a capacitor for a duration proportional to the phase error. Since this operation is essentially an integration, or a pole located at DC, it can steer the control input to the value that makes both the frequency and phase errors of the PLL zero. It is the primary reason why this type of loop filter was so widely used before the digital-type loop filter was introduced.

This charge-pump loop filter model consists of a pair of switched current sources and a passive RC-network, which is in turn composed of a series combination of a resistor Rs and a capacitor Cs and a shunt capacitor Cp. This implementation yields an effective linear transfer function that has two poles and one zero.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out input xreal output
dn input xbit dn input
up input xbit up input


Name Type Default Description
Iup real 20e-6 charge-pump up current
Idn real 20e-6 charge-pump down current
Vinit real 0.5 initial control voltage
Rs real 20e3 loop-filter series resistance
Cs real 0.5e-12 loop-filter series capacitance
Cp real 50e-15 loop-filter shunt capacitance