
ADC_DeltaSigmaADCOrder2 : A second-order delta-sigma analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

A delta-sigma analog-to-digital converter (DS-ADC) digitizes an analog input to a digital output using a delta-sigma modulation. In particular, this delta-sigma ADC model receives differential analog input signals inp and inn, producing a multi-bit digital output out.

This DS-ADC model is composed of a delta-sigma modulator and a decimation filter. The delta-sigma modulator converts differential analog inputs, inp and inn, into a single-bit digital output stream Dout, and the decimation filter converts this Dout stream into a low-frequency, multi-bit digital stream of out, which corresponds to the final digitized output.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
oclk output wire output clock
out[20:0] output wire digital output
ck1 input xbit input clock 1
ck2 input xbit input clock 2
cm input xreal common mode
gl_reset input wire global reset
inn input xreal analog input (neg)
inp input xreal analog input (pos)
refn input xreal reference voltage (neg)
refp input xreal reference voltage (pos)

List of Children Cells

ADC_DeltaSigmaADCOrder2_CTDSM : A continuous-time delta-sigma modulator (CT-DSM) for a second-order delta-sigma ADC
ADC_DeltaSigmaADCOrder2_DecimationFilter : A decimation filter for a second-order delta-sigma ADC

List of Testbenches

tb_check_sineinput : A testbench for checking the basic operation of an ADC with a sinusoidal input

tb_check_sineinput : A testbench for checking the basic operation of an ADC with a sinusoidal input

This testbench checks the basic operation of an ADC, by applying differential sinusoidal signals to the inputs inp and inn of the ADC and observing its digital outputs out. The testbench drives the two clock inputs clk1 and clk2 with non-overlapping clocks.

The ADC is expected to produce a digital output corresponding to the same-frequency sinusoid.

`include "xmodel.h"

module tb_check_sineinput (
    output oclk,                    // output clock
    output [20:0] out               // 21-bit output

// signal declarations
xbit    clk1;                       
wire    clk1_XMODELCONN0_BIT;       
xbit    clk2;                       
xreal   cm;                         
xbit    gl_reset;                   
wire    gl_reset_XMODELCONN0_BIT;   
xreal   inn;                        
xreal   inp;                        
xreal   refn;                       
xreal   refp;                       

// connector declarations
xbit_to_bit xmodel_conn0_clk1 (.in(clk1), .out(clk1_XMODELCONN0_BIT));
xbit_to_bit xmodel_conn0_gl_reset (.in(gl_reset), .out(gl_reset_XMODELCONN0_BIT));

// instance declarations
ADC_DeltaSigmaADCOrder2 DUT (.inn(inn), .refn(refn), .oclk(oclk), .out(out[20:0]), .inp(inp), .refp(refp), .ck1(clk1), .ck2(clk2), .cm(cm), .gl_reset(gl_reset_XMODELCONN0_BIT));

sin_gen     #(.offset(1), .amp(0.4), .freq(1e+06), .delay(0.0), .damp(0.0), .init_phase(3.14159), .AM_offset(1), .AM_amp(0.0), .AM_freq(0.0), .FM_index(0.0), .FM_freq(0.0)) XP1 (.out(inn));
sin_gen     #(.offset(1), .amp(0.4), .freq(1e+06), .delay(0.0), .damp(0.0), .init_phase(0.0), .AM_offset(1), .AM_amp(0.0), .AM_freq(0.0), .FM_index(0.0), .FM_freq(0.0)) XP0 (.out(inp));
pulse_gen   #(.init_value(1), .delay(2e-09), .width(1), .period(2)) XP10 (.out(gl_reset));
pulse_gen   #(.init_value(0), .delay(5e-11), .width(4.5e-10), .period(1e-09)) XP2 (.out(clk1));
pulse_gen   #(.init_value(0), .delay(5.5e-10), .width(4.5e-10), .period(1e-09)) XP3 (.out(clk2));
dc_gen      #(.value(0.5), .noise(0.0)) XP5 (.out(refn));
dc_gen      #(.value(1.5), .noise(0.0)) XP4 (.out(refp));
dc_gen      #(.value(1), .noise(0.0)) XP7 (.out(cm));

// inline dump statements
initial begin


Simulation Results

input and output waveforms

Figure. input and output waveforms.