
CDR_BangBangPLLCDR_LoopFilter : A digital loop filter for bang-bang PLL-based CDR

A digital loop filter for a band-bang PLL-based CDR processes the digital timing error information provided by the bang-bang phase detector and updates the digital code fed to the digitally-controlled oscillator.

This digital loop filter model describes a digital controller with a proportional gain and an integral gain, set by the parameters Kp and Ki, respectively. That is, the output out is computed as a sum of the current net input (updn) scaled by the proportional gain Kp and the accumulated sum of all the past net inputs scaled by the integral gain Ki, as expressed in the below equation:

out[n+Nd] = Kp*(up[n]-dn[n]) + Ki*sum_(j=1...n)(up[j]-dn[j])

The parameter Nd defines the delay of the loop filter in clock cycles and the parameter init_value sets the initial value of the internal accumulator, determining the initial value of the loop filter output.

Note that this model describes only the most basic functionality of the digital loop filter and is suitable only for behavioral simulations. A more practical implementation may include timing synchronization, decimation, and ways to reduce effective latency of the loop filter. Furthermore, it is desirable to model such a digital controller in synthesizable Verilog, so that it can be synthesized into gate-level netlists once its functionality is verified.

module CDR_BangBangPLLCDR_LoopFilter #(
    parameter init_value = 14'b10000000000000,  // initial output value
    parameter Kp = 256,                         // proportional gain
    parameter Ki = 1,                           // integral gain
    parameter Nd = 4                            // loop filter delay
    output reg [13:0] out,                      // output signal
    input bit clk,                              // triggering clock
    input bit up,                               // up signal from pd/pfd
    input bit dn                                // down signal from pd/pfd

    // variables
    reg [13:0] out_d [Nd-1:0];
    reg [13:0] acc;
    reg [13:0] out_p;

    int i;

    // initialize out
    initial begin
        for (i=0; i<Nd; i++) begin 
           out_d[i] = init_value;
        acc = init_value;
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        acc = acc + Ki*(up - dn);

    always @(acc or up or dn) begin
        out_p = Kp*(up - dn) + acc;

    assign out = out_d[Nd-1];

    always @(posedge clk) begin
        for (i=Nd-1; i>0; i--) out_d[i] = out_d[i-1]; 
        out_d[0] = out_p;


Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out[13:0] output reg output signal
clk input bit triggering clock
up input bit up signal from pd/pfd
dn input bit down signal from pd/pfd


Name Type Default Description
init_value integer 14’b10000000000000 initial output value
Kp integer 256 proportional gain
Ki integer 1 integral gain
Nd integer 4 loop filter delay