
CommunityCategory: XWAVEPlotting the Fourier transform (e.g. FFT) of an xreal-type signal


Plotting the Fourier transform (e.g. FFT) of an xreal-type signal

SA Support Team Staff 2023-03-31

Is there a way to plot the Fourier transform (e.g. FFT) of an xreal-type signal?

1 Answers
SA Support Team Staff 2023-03-31

Yes, you can use XWAVE to plot the Fourier transform of an xreal-type signal. I will outline the steps here.

For demonstration purposes, I ran the following testbench simulating the output of a polynomial function y=0.1·x3–0.1·x2+x+0.1 to a sum of two sinusoids at 1GHz and 1.1GHz. The testbench stores the waveforms into a file named "xmodel.jez" in JEZ format.

module TB;

xreal A, B;
xreal in, out;

sin_gen     #(.freq(1.0e9)) SRC1 (A);
sin_gen     #(.freq(1.1e9)) SRC2 (B);
add         SUM (.in({A,B}), .out(in));
poly_func   #(.data('{0.1, 1.0, -0.1, 0.1})) POLY (.in(in), .out(out));

initial begin


First, open the waveform file with XWAVE. Here are the time-domain waveforms of the input and output of the polynomial function.

To plot the Fourier transform, you need to add an analysis page. To do so, click on the "+" sign of the rightmost tab and select the "Add Analysis Page" menu.

When you get a new analysis page, click on the "+Add Analysis" button located at the bottom of the empty page. It will open the Analysis Browser window shown below. By clicking on the "Select Signal" button, select the source signal to analyze. Once you select an xreal-type signal, the list of available analyses will contain an item "Fourier Transform". Set the parameters such as start/stop times, minimum/maximum frequencies, and window function to address the spectral leakage due to the finite time duration of the signal being analyzed.

Now, click the 'Apply' button located on the bottom. You will get a plot of the Fourier transform of the selected signal.


xreal 타입 신호의 퓨리에 변환(FFT) 결과를 보는 방법

SA Support Team Staff 2023-03-31

xreal 타입 신호의 퓨리에 변환, 즉 FFT 결과를 보는 방법이 있나요?

1 Answers
SA Support Team Staff 2023-03-31

Yes, you can use XWAVE to plot the Fourier transform of an xreal-type signal. I will outline the steps here.

For demonstration purposes, I ran the following testbench simulating the output of a polynomial function y=0.1·x3–0.1·x2+x+0.1 to a sum of two sinusoids at 1GHz and 1.1GHz. The testbench stores the waveforms into a file named "xmodel.jez" in JEZ format.

module TB;

xreal A, B;
xreal in, out;

sin_gen     #(.freq(1.0e9)) SRC1 (A);
sin_gen     #(.freq(1.1e9)) SRC2 (B);
add         SUM (.in({A,B}), .out(in));
poly_func   #(.data('{0.1, 1.0, -0.1, 0.1})) POLY (.in(in), .out(out));

initial begin


First, open the waveform file with XWAVE. Here are the time-domain waveforms of the input and output of the polynomial function.

To plot the Fourier transform, you need to add an analysis page. To do so, click on the "+" sign of the rightmost tab and select the "Add Analysis Page" menu.

When you get a new analysis page, click on the "+Add Analysis" button located at the bottom of the empty page. It will open the Analysis Browser window shown below. By clicking on the "Select Signal" button, select the source signal to analyze. Once you select an xreal-type signal, the list of available analyses will contain an item "Fourier Transform". Set the parameters such as start/stop times, minimum/maximum frequencies, and window function to address the spectral leakage due to the finite time duration of the signal being analyzed.

Now, click the 'Apply' button located on the bottom. You will get a plot of the Fourier transform of the selected signal.