
CommunityCategory: XMODELUsing ‘probe_value’ primitive to record the signal values to a text file


Using ‘probe_value’ primitive to record the signal values to a text file

SA Support Team Staff 2022-10-24

Can you show an example of using a 'probe_value' primitive to dump the signal values to a text file?

1 Answers
SA Support Team Staff 2022-10-24

The attached package contains an example of using a 'probe_value' primitive to sample the values of a signal at specified trigger events and record the results to a text file. The 'probe_value' primitive can be triggered either internally, i.e., at a fixed period after an initial delay, or externally, i.e., whenever an xbit-typed trigger input toggles to a different value.

The schematic cellview 'sandbox.tb_record_val:schematic' shown below records the values of the signal 'sig' in these two ways. The first 'probe_value' primitive samples the signal at every 1.0ns and records the values to a file named "samples.dat". On the other hand, the second 'probe_value' primitive samples the signal when the signal is at their maximum or minimum peak and records the values to a file named "peaks.dat". It is achieved by having a 'deriv' primitive computing the time-derivative of the signal and a 'trig_cross' primitive generating a trigger event whenever the derivative crosses zero, in other words, when the signal is at its maximum or minimum peak.

Consider a case when the signal is a sinusoid with an exponentially-decaying amplitude, like the one shown below.

The text file "samples.dat" produced by the first 'probe_value' primitive is expected to list the signal values sampled at 1ns interval.

On the other hand, the text file "peaks.dat" produced by the second 'probe_value' primitive is expected to list the maximum or minimum peak values of the signal.

The text files produced by the 'probe_value' primitives can be easily read and processed in various programs. For example, in Python, the numpy.loadtxt() function can directly read the values into an array. Below is a simple example computing the minimum and maximum among the values.

#!/usr/bin/env xmodelpy

import numpy as np

samples = np.loadtxt('samples.dat')
peaks = np.loadtxt('peaks.dat')

print "SAMPLES: %e ~ %e" % (samples.min(), samples.max())
print "PEAKS  : %e ~ %e" % (peaks.min(), peaks.max())

Attachment: record_val_20221023.tar.gz


‘probe_value’ primitive를 사용해 신호 파형의 값을 텍스트 파일에 기록하는 법

SA Support Team Staff 2022-10-24

'probe_value' primitive를 활용해서 신호의 값을 텍스트 파일에 덤프하는 예제를 보여주실 수 있나요?

1 Answers
SA Support Team Staff 2022-10-24

The attached package contains an example of using a 'probe_value' primitive to sample the values of a signal at specified trigger events and record the results to a text file. The 'probe_value' primitive can be triggered either internally, i.e., at a fixed period after an initial delay, or externally, i.e., whenever an xbit-typed trigger input toggles to a different value.

The schematic cellview 'sandbox.tb_record_val:schematic' shown below records the values of the signal 'sig' in these two ways. The first 'probe_value' primitive samples the signal at every 1.0ns and records the values to a file named "samples.dat". On the other hand, the second 'probe_value' primitive samples the signal when the signal is at their maximum or minimum peak and records the values to a file named "peaks.dat". It is achieved by having a 'deriv' primitive computing the time-derivative of the signal and a 'trig_cross' primitive generating a trigger event whenever the derivative crosses zero, in other words, when the signal is at its maximum or minimum peak.

Consider a case when the signal is a sinusoid with an exponentially-decaying amplitude, like the one shown below.

The text file "samples.dat" produced by the first 'probe_value' primitive is expected to list the signal values sampled at 1ns interval.

On the other hand, the text file "peaks.dat" produced by the second 'probe_value' primitive is expected to list the maximum or minimum peak values of the signal.

The text files produced by the 'probe_value' primitives can be easily read and processed in various programs. For example, in Python, the numpy.loadtxt() function can directly read the values into an array. Below is a simple example computing the minimum and maximum among the values.

#!/usr/bin/env xmodelpy

import numpy as np

samples = np.loadtxt('samples.dat')
peaks = np.loadtxt('peaks.dat')

print "SAMPLES: %e ~ %e" % (samples.min(), samples.max())
print "PEAKS  : %e ~ %e" % (peaks.min(), peaks.max())

Attachment: record_val_20221023.tar.gz