
CommunityCategory: XMODELA list of XMODEL primitives propagating probability information during statistical simulation
SA Support Team Staff asked 2 years ago

I realized that not all XMODEL primitives can propagate the probability information from its inputs to outputs during statistical simulation. Can you provide a list of XMODEL primitives that can propagate the probability information?

1 Answers
SA Support Team Staff answered 2 years ago

No, not all XMODEL primitives can propagate the probability information during the statistical simulation. For example, the circuit primitives cannot propagate the probability information. For an overview of the XMODEL's statistical simulation, please refer to this Q&A posting.

You can find a list of XMODEL primitives supporting the propagation of probability information from the attachment.

Attachment: XMODEL_prims_statsim_20220324.pdf

SA Support Team Staff asked 2 years ago

통계적 시뮬레이션 수행시에 모든 XMODEL primitive들이 확률 정보를 입력에서 출력으로 전파하지는 않는다는 것을 깨달았습니다. 확률 정보를 전파할 수 있는 XMODEL primitive들의 리스트가 있나요?

1 Answers
SA Support Team Staff answered 2 years ago

No, not all XMODEL primitives can propagate the probability information during the statistical simulation. For example, the circuit primitives cannot propagate the probability information. For an overview of the XMODEL's statistical simulation, please refer to this Q&A posting.

You can find a list of XMODEL primitives supporting the propagation of probability information from the attachment.

Attachment: XMODEL_prims_statsim_20220324.pdf