
CommunityCategory: GLISTERCan I use a different text editor than geany in GLISTER?


Can I use a different text editor than geany in GLISTER?

SA Support Team Staff 2019-07-12

GLISTER uses ‘geany’ to edit/view text files such as SystemVerilog sources. Is it possible to use a different text editor, such as ‘gvim’?

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2019-07-12

Yes, it is possible. The commands executed by GLISTER when it opens a text file are defined by the SKILL variables named ‘xmodelIDE’ and ‘xmodelIDE_readonly’ and their default values are:

xmodelIDE = "$XMODEL_HOME/bin/geany --new-instance -s -m"
xmodelIDE_readonly = "$XMODEL_HOME/bin/geany --new-instance --read-only -s -m"

As you can expect, the ‘xmodelIDE’ variable defines the command that opens a text file for editing, and the ‘xmodelIDE_readonly’ variable defines the command that opens a text file for read-only.

For instance, if you want to use ‘gvim’ instead of ‘geany’, you can define these variables as below:

xmodelIDE = "gvim -f -p"
xmodelIDE_readonly = "gvim -R -f -p"

For your information, the codes that redefine the values of the ‘xmodelIDE’ and ‘xmodelIDE_readonly’ must come after the codes that load the ‘xmodel.cxt’ context file. It is because loading the ‘xmodel.cxt’ context file initializes these variables.

In other words, if you have the following lines in your .cdsinit file to load the ‘xmodel.cxt’ context file:

printf( "Loading XMODEL/Virtuoso Integration...\n" )
loadContext( strcat( XMODEL_HOME "/cadence/etc/xmodel.cxt" ) )
callInitProc( "xmodel" )

the lines that redefine the values of the ‘xmodelIDE’ and ‘xmodelIDE_readonly’ variables must come after these lines.