
CommunityCategory: GLISTERDataReg Error messages displaying during Cadence Virtuoso start-up


DataReg Error messages displaying during Cadence Virtuoso start-up

SA Support Team Staff 2019-04-03

Cadence Virtuoso displays the following “Data Reg Error” messages during start up. What is the reason?

DataReg Error: (xmodel_2019.0208_x86_64/cadence/etc/registry/data/xmodel.reg, 12): Warning: new definition of xmodelView masks previous definition.
DataReg Error: (XMODEL/xmodel_2019.0208_x86_64/cadence/etc/registry/data/xmodel.reg, 28): Warning: new definition of tbXmodelView masks previous definition.
DataReg Error: (/xmodel_2019.0208_x86_64/cadence/etc/registry/data/xmodel.reg, 44): Warning: new definition of docXmodelView masks previous definition.
DataReg Error: (/xmodel_2019.0208_x86_64/cadence/etc/registry/tools/xmodel.reg, 12): Warning: new definition of xmodelIDE masks previous definition.
DataReg Error: (/xmodel_2019.0208_x86_64/cadence/etc/registry/tools/xmodel.reg, 20): Warning: new definition of xmodelTB masks previous definition.
DataReg Error: (/xmodel_2019.0208_x86_64/cadence/etc/registry/tools/xmodel.reg, 28): Warning: new definition of xmodelDocViewer masks previous definition.
1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2019-04-03

Cadence Virtuoso displays the "DataReg Error" messages when it finds redundant XMODEL registry files in the search path. For your information, the XMODEL registry files define the GLISTER-related views such as the xmodel view and testbench view, and it is possible that you have installed these XMODEL registry files in more than one locations.
During start-up, Cadence Virtuoso visits the following directories in sequence and loads the registry files located in each directory. For more information, please refer to the Cadence Application Infrastructure User Guide documentation from Cadence Design Systems.

  1. Current directory ($PWD)
  2. Home directory of the current user ($HOME)
  3. $CDS_PROJECT directory
  4. $CDS_SITE directory
  5. $CDSHOME/share directory

So it is possible that the XMODEL registry files are installed in more than one locations among these. In case you have installed the XMODEL registry files using the "setup_registry" script, following the instructions explained in Section 2.1 Configuring GLISTER on Cadence Virtuoso of the GLISTER User Guide, the "DataReg Error" may occur if you ran the "setup_registry" script more than once for different locations. For instance, the GLISTER User Guide describes two ways of installing the XMODEL registry files, one using the --cdshome option and the other using the --local option. You only need to run the script once using one of the options, not both.