
CommunityCategory: XMODELReplaying signals stored in a waveform file


Replaying signals stored in a waveform file

SA Support Team Staff 2019-03-18

I want to use some signals stored in a previously-simulated waveform file as inputs in another testbench. Is there a way to replay a signal stored in a waveform file?

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2019-03-18

Yes, you can use the 'replay_xreal' or 'replay_xbit' primitives provided by XMODEL. These primitives can replay the signal waveforms stored in an FSDB-format waveform file so that you can use them as input stimuli in another simulation. The 'replay_xreal' primitive replays an analog waveform as an xreal-type signal, whereas the 'replay_xbit' primitive replays a digital waveform as an xbit-type signal. If you need to replay waveforms as other types of signals such as real or wire, you can add connect primitives to convert the signal types. For more information on the usage of these primitives, please refer to the XMODEL Reference Manual.