
CommunityCategory: GLISTERDisplaying the progress of XMODEL simulation


Displaying the progress of XMODEL simulation

SA Support Team Staff 2019-03-18

Is there a simple way to display the current progress of the XMODEL simulation?

2 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2019-03-18

Yes, there is. The easiest way is to insert the following line to your top-level testbench file:

initial $xmodel_progress();

Then, a message line indicating the current progress will be displayed every 20 seconds as shown below:

#     _  ____  _______  ___  ______
#    | |/_/  |/  / __ \/ _ \/ __/ /  (TM)
#   _|  |/ /|_/ / /_/ / // / _// /__
#  /_/|_/_/  /_/\____/____/___/____/  ANALOG/MIXED-SIGNAL SIMULATOR
# XMODEL Release 2019.03
# Copyright (c) 2012-2019 Scientific Analog, Inc.
# All rights reserved and patents pending.
# |PROGRESS|2019-03-01 19:02:03|*                                |       0s|
# |PROGRESS|2019-03-01 19:02:23|*                                | 59.014ns|
# |PROGRESS|2019-03-01 19:02:43|.*                               | 66.674ns|
# |PROGRESS|2019-03-01 19:03:03|..*                              | 75.729ns|
# |PROGRESS|2019-03-01 19:03:23|...*                             | 82.655ns|
# |PROGRESS|2019-03-01 19:03:43|.....*                           | 91.227ns|
# |PROGRESS|2019-03-01 19:04:03|.......*                         | 98.273ns|
# |PROGRESS|2019-03-01 19:04:15|.........*                       |100.000ns|
#  exit

For your information, $xmodel_progress() supports various options as listed below. One can also combine more than one options.

$xmodel_progress("interval=", 100);

: defines the time interval of displaying progress messages in seconds (default: 20 seconds).

$xmodel_progress("stat=", 1);

: flags whether to show the runtime statistics at the end of simulation.

$xmodel_progress("start=", 10e-9, "stop=", 100e-9);

: defines start/stop times of displaying messages.

$xmodel_progress("dumpflush=", 0);

: flags whether to flush the internal buffer data to the waveform file when displaying each message (default: 1).

SA Support Team Staff 2022-02-22

For your information, when you enable the "Show Simulation Progress" option of a dump primitive as shown below, the GLISTER netlister will insert the $xmodel_progress() command in the netlist so that the progress is displayed during the simulation. If you are a GLISTER user, this is probably a handier way.