
CommunityCategory: GLISTERHow to generate SVG image file from a model schematic


How to generate SVG image file from a model schematic

SA Support Team Staff 2019-03-14

I noticed from the GLISTER’s on-line documentation that each XMODEL primitive has a pretty symbol. Is there a way to convert a model schematic consisting of XMODEL primitives to an image file displaying those symbols?

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2019-03-14

Yes, there is! In short, you can generate an SVG image file from the model schematic cellview currently being edited simply by executing the following command in the CIW:


For instance, if you execute the command for a model schematic cellview named 'tb_mix', the command will generate an SVG image file named 'tb_mix.svg' in the current working directory. You can open an SVG image file using a web browser such as firefox or chrome.

This feature is to support an automatic generation of documentations from model schematics. For your information, the full usage of xmsvgGenCellView() is:

xmsvgGenCellView( [<SVG filename>] [<cellview handle>] )

That is, you can specify the SVG image filename or the source cellview.