
CommunityCategory: GLISTERDefining the conversion level properties for a particular pin instance


Defining the conversion level properties for a particular pin instance

SA Support Team Staff 2018-12-21

Can I define a conversion level for a particular pin instance in GLISTER or MODELZEN?

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2018-12-21

Yes. Both GLISTER and MODELZEN reference the conversion level properties defined on the connected pin instances when they have to insert a type connector between an analog-type signal such as xreal and real and a digital-type signal such as xbit, bit, wire, and reg, during the netlisting or model generation process. You can define the conversion level properties on the desired pin instance by first selecting it on the Cadence Schematic Editor and opening the “Edit Object Properties” dialog window.

For instance, the figure below illustrates an example of defining the XMODEL Signal Type property of a given pin instance. If you select ‘auto’, GLISTER and MODELZEN automatically determines the pin’s signal type based on the signal types of the connected pins of the lower-hierarchy cells.

You can also define the conversion level properties of the pin instance by checking the “Define Conversion Levels” field in the “Edit Object Properties” window, as illustrated below.

The following table summarizes the descriptions of the conversion level property parameters.