
CommunityCategory: XMODELAutomatically switching FSDB waveform files according to user-specified size limits


Automatically switching FSDB waveform files according to user-specified size limits

SA Support Team Staff 2018-12-14

Is it possible to automatically switch the FSDB waveform file being generated by the $xmodel_dumpfile() command to a new one when its size reaches a certain limit?

1 Answers
Best Answer
SA Support Team Staff 2018-12-14

Yes. Starting from XMODEL Release 2018.12, you can use a "sizelimit=" option with the $xmodel_dumpfile() command to automatically switch the output waveform file when its size reaches a specified limit. This "sizelimit=" option specifies the limit of each file size in MegaBytes.

For instance,

$xmodel_dumpfile("xmodel.fsdb", "sizelimit=", 20);

will generate a series of files as named below whenever the current file size reaches 20MB.
