
minductor :
An n-port multiple-inductor circuit element.

The minductor primitive represents an n-port multiple-inductor element with self/mutual inductances. The number of ports, i.e., the number of self-inductor elements is defined by the parameter num_port. Each of the xreal-type vector terminals pos and neg lists the positive and negative terminals of the ports #1, #2, …, #N in sequence, respectively. That is:

    pos[0:num_port-1] = {pos_1, pos_2, ..., pos_n}
    neg[0:num_port-1] = {neg_1, neg_2, ..., neg_n}

The parameter L is an one-dimensional real-typed array defining the inductance matrix with self/mutual inductance values (L_ij) in the following format:

    L = '{L_11, L_12, ..., L_1N, L_21, L_22, ..., L_2N, ..., L_ij, ..., L_N1, L_N2, ..., L_NN}

where L_ii denotes the self inductance and L_ij denotes the mutual inductance between the inductors at port #i and port #j. Note that the inductance matrix must be symmetric, i.e., L_ij = L_ji.

The parameter ic is a real-type array that can optionally define the initial conditions of the currents flowing through the ports. Also, the parameters Cpos and Cneg can optionally define the capacitances between the ports’ positive/negative terminals and ground, respectively.

Note that this primitive is a pseudo-module to describe a structural netlist of electrical circuits and not a behavioral model by itself. The XMODEL simulator extracts an event-driven behavioral model at run-time based on the circuit network described by these circuit-level pseudo-modules.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
pos input xreal positive terminals of the ports
neg input xreal negative terminals of the ports


Name Type Default Unit Description
num_port integer 2 None number of ports
L real array ‘{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0} henries inductance matrix
ic real array ‘{`NaN, `NaN} amperes initial conditions
Cpos real array ‘{0.0, 0.0} farads pos-to-gnd capacitances
Cneg real array ‘{0.0, 0.0} farads neg-to-gnd capacitances
m real 1.0 None multiplicity factor
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