
impedance :
An impedance circuit element.

The impedance primitive represents a two-terminal impedance element. The string-type parameters Z, Zpos, and Zneg define the impedances between the ports pos and neg, between pos and ground, and between neg and ground, respectively, using the circuit network expressions.

The circuit network expressions describe the impedance as series or parallel combinations of passive R/L/C elements. For example, a string “R50||C1p” describes a parallel combination of a 50-ohm resistance and a 1-pF capacitance, and “R50+L1n” describes a series combination of a 50-ohm resistance and a 1-nH inductance. In a circuit network expression, each R/L/C element is described with a string starting with an R, L, or C prefix followed by its resistance, inductance, or capacitance value, respectively, and an optional unit suffix (e.g. n for nano and p for pico). An arbitrary network of R/L/C elements can be described using the series operator +, parallel operator ||, and grouping operators ().

Note that this primitive is a pseudo-module to describe a structural netlist of electrical circuits and not a behavioral model by itself. The XMODEL simulator extracts an event-driven behavioral model at run-time based on the circuit network described by these circuit-level pseudo-modules.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
pos input xreal positive terminal
neg input xreal negative terminal


Name Type Default Unit Description
Z string “R1” ohms pos-to-neg impedance
Zpos string “inf” ohms pos-to-gnd impedance
Zneg string “inf” ohms neg-to-gnd impedance
m real 1.0 None multiplicity factor
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