
CommunityCategory: XMODELMeasuring the output resistance of a running transmitter


Measuring the output resistance of a running transmitter

SA Support Team Staff 2023-11-30

I am writing a testbench for a wireline transmitter and I’d like to verify whether the output resistance of the transmitter is matched to 50-ohms, the characteristic impedance of the wireline channel. My transmitter is made of a set of segmented source-series terminated (SST) voltage mode drivers and its output resistance is controlled by the number of driver units enabled. Especially, I need a way to measure the output resistance while the transmitter is running. Can you show me how to do that?

1 Answers
SA Support Team Staff 2023-11-30

I can show you one way. The cellview sandbox.tb_meas_rout:schematic contained in the attachment and shown below illustrates the SST voltage-mode transmitter model and the XMODEL instrumentations that can measure its output resistance while the transmitter is running. Particularly, the parts inside the dotted box measure the output resistance seen at the 'tx_out' node. Since this node is connected both to the transmitter output and to a 50-ohm transmission-line channel, this resistance is expected to have a value of 25-ohms when the transmitter output resistance is equal to 50-ohms.

The output resistance can be measured by injecting a small-signal AC current change (Δitest) into the node and measuring the resulting AC voltage change (Δvtest). Then, the output resistance Rout is equal to Δvtest/Δitest. We do this by injecting a small-amplitude, low-frequency sinusoidal current into the node and measuring the resulting amplitude of the same-frequency sinusoidal change in its voltage. To measure the sinusoidal amplitude of a given frequency, we can use a coherent detection technique, which multiplies the voltage signal with the injected current signal and measures its average over an integer multiple of the sinusoidal period. For example, with Δitest = I0·sin(ωt), we expect Δvtest to be I0Rout·sin(ωt), and the average value of Δitest·Δvtest to be I02Rout/2. Hence, we can derive Rout by dividing the measured average value by I02/2. In the testbench shown below, the 'sin_gen' and 'isource' primitives inject the sinusoidal current into the node and the 'multiply', 'scale', 'trig_rise', and 'meas_avg' primitives measure the output resistance (Rout) from the resulting voltage change of the node.

The simulated waveforms using this testbench are shown below. The testbench measures the output resistance at 'tx_out' by injecting a 0.1mA-amplitude, 1MHz-frequency sinusoidal current and measuring the resulting change in its voltage. After 10 sinusoidal periods, the 'meas_avg' primitive produces a value of the measured output resistance. In this example, the measured output resistance value is 25-ohms, which implies that the transmitter output resistance is 50-ohms.

We can repeat this simulation while varying the number of driver units enabled. The corresponding simulated waveforms are shown below. When the number of driver units enabled is 3, 4, and 5, the measured output resistance is 28.57, 25, and 22.22-ohms, implying that the transmitter itself has the output resistance of 66.67, 50, and 40-ohms, respectively.

Attachment: meas_rout_20231130.tar.gz


동작 중인 송신기 회로의 출력 저항값 측정하는 법

SA Support Team Staff 2023-11-30

유선 송신기 회로를 검증하는 테스트벤치를 작성하고 있고, 그 송신기 회로의 출력 저항값이 채널의 특성 임피던스인 50-옴에 매칭되어 있는지를 검증하고 싶습니다. 제 송신기 회로는 source-series termination (SST) 타입의 전압모드 드라이버들의 배열로 구성되어 있고, 그 출력 저항값은 활성화되는 드라이버들의 수로 조절이 가능합니다. 특히, 송신기 회로가 데이터를 송신하고 있는 동안의 출력 저항을 측정하고 싶은데요, 이것을 하는 방법을 보여주실 수 있나요?

1 Answers
SA Support Team Staff 2023-11-30

I can show you one way. The cellview sandbox.tb_meas_rout:schematic contained in the attachment and shown below illustrates the SST voltage-mode transmitter model and the XMODEL instrumentations that can measure its output resistance while the transmitter is running. Particularly, the parts inside the dotted box measure the output resistance seen at the 'tx_out' node. Since this node is connected both to the transmitter output and to a 50-ohm transmission-line channel, this resistance is expected to have a value of 25-ohms when the transmitter output resistance is equal to 50-ohms.

The output resistance can be measured by injecting a small-signal AC current change (Δitest) into the node and measuring the resulting AC voltage change (Δvtest). Then, the output resistance Rout is equal to Δvtest/Δitest. We do this by injecting a small-amplitude, low-frequency sinusoidal current into the node and measuring the resulting amplitude of the same-frequency sinusoidal change in its voltage. To measure the sinusoidal amplitude of a given frequency, we can use a coherent detection technique, which multiplies the voltage signal with the injected current signal and measures its average over an integer multiple of the sinusoidal period. For example, with Δitest = I0·sin(ωt), we expect Δvtest to be I0Rout·sin(ωt), and the average value of Δitest·Δvtest to be I02Rout/2. Hence, we can derive Rout by dividing the measured average value by I02/2. In the testbench shown below, the 'sin_gen' and 'isource' primitives inject the sinusoidal current into the node and the 'multiply', 'scale', 'trig_rise', and 'meas_avg' primitives measure the output resistance (Rout) from the resulting voltage change of the node.

The simulated waveforms using this testbench are shown below. The testbench measures the output resistance at 'tx_out' by injecting a 0.1mA-amplitude, 1MHz-frequency sinusoidal current and measuring the resulting change in its voltage. After 10 sinusoidal periods, the 'meas_avg' primitive produces a value of the measured output resistance. In this example, the measured output resistance value is 25-ohms, which implies that the transmitter output resistance is 50-ohms.

We can repeat this simulation while varying the number of driver units enabled. The corresponding simulated waveforms are shown below. When the number of driver units enabled is 3, 4, and 5, the measured output resistance is 28.57, 25, and 22.22-ohms, implying that the transmitter itself has the output resistance of 66.67, 50, and 40-ohms, respectively.

Attachment: meas_rout_20231130.tar.gz