
diode :
A diode circuit element.

The diode primitive represents a two-terminal diode. Note that this primitive is a pseudo-module to describe a structural netlist of electrical circuits and not a behavioral model by itself. The XMODEL simulator extracts an event-driven behavioral model at run-time based on the circuit network described by these circuit-level pseudo-modules.

The diode primitive can model diodes in three ways: using an ideal model (ideal), exponential model (exp), or piecewise-linear model (pwl).

1) Ideal diode model (model = ‘ideal’)

The diode turns on when the voltage across the two terminals (pos and neg) is higher than the specified turn-on voltage (Von) and turns off otherwise. The parameters Ron and Roff define the turn-on and turn-off resistances, respectively.

2) Exponential diode model (model = ‘exp’)

The diode current (Id) is an exponential function of the voltage (Vd = V(pos) – V(neg)) according to the following equation:

    Id = Is * (exp((Vd-Id*Rs)/(N*VT)) - 1)
    where VT = kT/q (25.695mV at 25C)

In this equation, Is and VT change with the global parameter `global_temp, defining the temperature in Celsius (default: 25C). Specifically, the thermal voltage VT is proportional to the absolute temperature and the transport saturation current Is is proportional to exp(-VG0/VT), where VG0 is assumed to be 1.205V for silicon.

The parameters abstol and reltol set the error tolerance approximating these equations.

3) Piecewise-linear diode model (model = ‘pwl’)

Using this model, the diode can have an arbitrary piecewise-linear I-V characteristic. In this case, the diode is equivalent to a nonlinear resistor (the res_var primitive). The parameter R_data describes the piecewise-constant resistance values across different voltage intervals, using the same format as the R parameter in the res_var primitive.

For all the diode models, the parameter C defines the linear capacitance across the terminals and the parameters Cpos and Cneg define the linear capacitance of the terminals pos and neg to the ground, respectively.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
pos input xreal positive terminal
neg input xreal negative terminal


Name Type Default Unit Description
model string “ideal” None diode model
Von real 0.0 volts turn-on voltage
Ron real 0.01 volts turn-on resistance
Roff real `INFINITY volts turn-off resistance
Is real 1e-16 ampere saturation current
N real 1.0 None emission coefficient
Rs real 0.0 ohms series resistance
abstol real 1e-9 A absolute tolerance
reltol real 0.1 None relative tolerance
R_data real array ‘{1.0} ohms PWC resistance
C real 0.0 farads pos-to-neg capacitance
Cpos real 0.0 farads pos-to-gnd capacitance
Cneg real 0.0 farads neg-to-gnd capacitance
m real 1.0 None multiplicity factor
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