
xreal_to_real :
An xreal-to-real connector.

The xreal_to_real primitive converts an xreal-type signal to a real-type signal.

The parameter mode specifies whether the resulting real-type waveform is updated at fixed time intervals (fixed), at variable time intervals assuming piecewise-linear representation (variable, pwl, or variable:pwl), or at variable time intervals assuming piecewise-constant representation (pwc or variable:pwc). By default, the variable time intervals assuming piecewise-linear representation are used, meaning that the real-value events are generated so that the the piecewise-linear waveform connecting the real-value events closely track the input xreal-type waveform within the specified tolerance.

The parameter period determines how often the original xreal-type waveform is sampled. In other words, it sets the minimum time interval. If the parameter period is 0, then the primitive uses the current simulation time step as the minimum sampling period. If it is a non-integer multiple value of the simulation time step, the primitive will use the nearest integer multiple value instead.

When the variable-interval sampling mode is used, the primitive makes best efforts to minimize the number of events generated for the output signal, while keeping the error within the absolute and relative error bounds. These error bounds are set by the parameters abstol and reltol, respectively.

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output real real-type output
in input xreal xreal-type input


Name Type Default Unit Description
mode string “variable” None timestep mode
period real 0.0 seconds unit timestep
abstol real 1e-4 None absolute tolerance
reltol real 1e-2 None relative tolerance
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