
xreal_to_bit_var :
An xreal-to-bit connector with variable logic-1 and logic-0 levels.

The xreal_to_bit_var primitive converts an xreal-type signal to a bit-type signal with variable logic-1 and logic-0 levels. The threshold level required to convert the analog level of the input in to a digital level of the output out is computed as a mid-level between the two inputs level1 and level0.

The parameter strength defines the driving strength of the bit-type output signal (e.g. 4 for weak, 5 for pull, 6 for strong, and 7 for supply).

Input/Output Terminals

Name I/O Type Description
out output wire bit-type output
in input xreal xreal-type input
level0 input xreal conversion level for logic 0
level1 input xreal conversion level for logic 1


Name Type Default Unit Description
strength integer 6 None driving strength (0~7)
width integer 1 None connector bit-width
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